1 : 1 online mentorship program
a transformational path
for those ready to shed their old skin and awaken
to their embodied power, pleasure and magic

Working consciously with sexual energy
will expand all areas of your life
The SSE Mentorship supports you to shed SHAME and DOGMA around sexuality
so that you can remember your
Innate Innocence
as a vibrant, sexual being
By reclaiming your
soul-body-sexuality connection,
you will gain potency, clarity,
freedom and power
The SPIRITUAL SEXUAL EMBODIED Mentorship offers the teachings, practices and guidance - as well as the sacred space & time - for you to awaken, integrate and embody your highest truth
the Spiral Path
the mentorship requires
-- at minimum --
a 3 month commitment
every 3 months is considered a Cycle
each Cycle is officially opened and closed
this rhythm allows you to seed your intention at the beginning of each new Cycle
and harvest the fruits of your work at the end of each Cycle
we follow the rhythm of nature all around us
the seasons
the planets
creation itself
we begin again and again
deepening your understanding and appreciation
of what is true in each moment
opening you slowly and deliciously
to the Great Mystery of who you really are
when you are fully

"We all begin the process before we are ready, before we are strong enough, before we know enough; we begin a dialogue with thoughts and feelings that both tickle and thunder within us.
We respond before we know how to speak the language, before we know all the answers, and before we know exactly to whom we are speaking.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés
each Cycle includes...

Sexual transformation requires a paradigm shift.
I will be supporting you to make this shift with the wisdom and teachings from Tantra, Taoism, Animism, mythology, biology, women's work, and other sources.
We will explore new ways to relate to Self, Spirit and Sexuality, so that you can open to a totally new way of experiencing the world.
Traverse uncharted territories of your own being.
With my reflection and support, you will begin to rely more and more on your own innate wisdom, soul guidance and the magical codes of your body.
Together, we will explore shadow realms and transmute your pain and blockages into the greatest sources of your power!

Your body is your greatest ally and teacher.
Come into a deep and loving relationship with yourself through embodiment, nervous system regulation and pleasure practices.
Practices such as Taoist sexual energy cultivation, primal movement, emotional release and self-pleasure will support transformation by cultivating embodiment, authenticity and grounding, as well as sexual energy mastery.

Experience your multi-dimensional nature.
Unleash your expanded self through bespoke rituals, designed to activate the mytho-poetic dimension of your being.
Through archetype and shadow play, enactment, gesture and ceremonial intention, we will create symbolic somatic experiences that will help you access deeper layers of your innate wisdom and power.

The SSE Mentorship is a deeply tender and intimate container, so if you are called to this work, we will start with an alchemy call to feel into our synergy
This is not a sales call
I will not be "convincing" you of anything
We will know it in our bones if this path is for you and if i am the one to accompany you on it
Pricing and Payment Plans HERE
if you are ready to unveil yourself...
My name is Jovana
and I am an internationally trained Sacred Sexuality facilitator, mystic and mentor.
I am devoted to accompanying my clients on their journey of self-(re)discovery and facilitating their reclamation of personal power, pleasure and magic.
In this time of great planetary transformation, it is my mission to be in service to people who are ready to open their hearts, remember the sacred way of life and become truly sovereign beings.